Claudia Toneatto
mut. mann und toneatto
consulting, coaching & more gbr
friedrichsstr. 29 b
55124 mainz
mobil +49 172 6393330
Skills Profile
- Training: Customer loyalty schemes and –processes (e.g. automotive), eLearning systems
- Consultant/project management: Internet / Intranet, international rollout of portals or gateways and eLearing systems; IT-moderation for international projects; process and logistics implementation in companies (across departments)
- Coaching: Post-seminar transfer-coaching, coaching on the job
- Certified Business Assistant / Industry, BASF Lacke +Farben AG, Münster
Additional qualifications
- Systemic coaching and team development, Institute for Systemic Consultancy, Wiesloch
- Systemic organisational development and change management, Institute for Systemic Consultancy, Wiesloch
Career History
- Bassier, Bergmann & Kindler GmbH; Senior Project Manager Internet / Intranet / eLearning
- Fiat Bank GmbH; Product Management (Leasing, Finance, RSV); Quality Management, Project Management, EDV-Controlling, Marketing plans, (market and competition analysis, Sale- & revenue development), Planning, coordination and realisation of staff- & sales trainings
- BASF Lacke +Farben AG: product management and export in the company department printing + colours
- English
- Italian
- Spanish
- French